Tindaya House 2 . The Project

This is my own family’s home. In 2003, we found a reasonably priced plot in Tindaya. It was a long, narrow stretch of land on a slant - with a total height difference of 6 metres. Hence it was a challenge to design a home that was both functional and comfortable. While deciding on the placement of each window, we needed to give careful consideration to the wind and the sun. The construction of the home lasted one year.

Esta es nuestra casa. En 2003, encontramos un terrenito asequible en Tindaya. Una franja de tierra larga estrecha y con un desnivel de 6 metros. El reto era colocar una casa funcional y de tránsito suave ahí dentro. Todas las ventanas y puertas tienen su proposito, refrescar la casa en verano gracias al viento alisio, y calentarla en invierno gracias al sol. Nos llevó un año construirla.


The Building Process